Changes made prior to the last save (refer to Quick Access Toolbar for further information) cannot be undone.
Select from the drop-down list to undo the last change. You can continue to undo previous modifications, each time Undo is clicked the previous change is rolled back.
You are prompted to Enter the number of actions to undo or <1>
Throughout the undo process you can press ESC to cancel the command. Additional functionality is also available.
Press the down arrow key and select Begin to create a group of actions. Refer Create a Group of Actions for further information.
Press the down arrow key and select All to undo all changes since the last save.
Select from the drop-down list to redo the last undone change. You can continue to redo undone modifications, each time Redo is clicked the next undo is reinserted.
You are prompted to Enter the number of actions to redo or <Last>
Throughout the redo process you can press ESC to cancel the command. Additional functionality is also available.
Press the down arrow key and select All to redo all undone changes since the last save.
Press the down arrow key and select Last to redo the last undone change.