Software Customisation
Reference Manual
PML 1 Expressions
: Using IDs in Expressions
Using IDs in Expressions
IDs can be used in expressions. IDs can be any of the following:
Element name, for example: /VESS1.
Refno, for example: =23/456.
Element type further up the hierarchy, for example: SITE.
Number within member list, for example: 3.
Type and number within member list, for example: BOX 3.
NEXT, PREV for next, previous within current list. Optionally with a count and/or element type, for example: NEXT 2 BOX, LAST CYL.
NEXT, PREV MEMBER for next, previous within member list. Optionally with a count and/or element type.
If the element type given is only valid as a member then MEMBER is assumed. For example, NEXT BOX at an EQUIPMENT will assume MEMBER.
FIRST, LAST for first and last in current list. Optionally with a count and/or element type.
FIRST, LAST MEMBER for first and last in member list. If the element type given is only valid as a member then MEMBER is assumed.
END to navigate up from current list.
END is similar to owner but not quite the same. For example, if the current element is a GROUP MEMBER, and it has been reached from the GROUP then END will return to the group but OWNE will go to the true owner.
Attribute of type ref, for example: CREF
SAME to mean last current element
NULREF to mean =0/0
CE for the current element
’OF’ may be used to nest the options indefinitely. For example:
This denotes the SPEC element owing the SELE element pointed to by the SPREF attribute on the first FLANGE of the next BRANCH. ILEAVE TUBE, IARRIV TUBE, HEAD TUBE, TAIL TUBE can be added to denote tube. For example:
An error will occur if there is no implied tube for the element concerned.
ID arrays can also be used in expressions. For example, CRFA.
Some of the ID syntax clashes with other types. To allow for this, an id expression may always be preceded with the keyword ID. For example, ID 3 will mean the third member of the current list rather than a number of value 3.
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