The operators EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE and GE are sometimes referred to as comparator or relational operators; NOT, AND and OR are sometimes referred to as Boolean operators. Refer to Precision of Comparisons for tolerances in comparing numbers.
Compare two values. A special feature is used for the positions, only the coordinates specified are compared. Refer to Comparing Positions for further information. Unset values result in FALSE across EQ, TRUE across NE.
If two positions have no common coordinate, for example, ’N 10 ne U 10’, the result is undefined. Units are consolidated across comparisons.
Compare two values. A special feature is used for positions: only the coordinates specified are compared. Refer to Comparing Positions for further information. For positions, since comparisons may be performed on more than one value, LT (GT) is not the inverse of GE (LE). Unset values result in false