Software Customisation Reference Manual

Event Driven Graphics : Event Packet (edgPacket)
The member is a Boolean, true if the packet is to be removed false if the packet is to be reinstated into the system.
Where a packet fails, it will be removed from the system if true, the system DOES NOT return to the beginning of the event pick sequence.
When an event packet is reinstated into the system (this is where the .remove members is false). The action will NOT be executed.
An action which is carried out just prior to the event packet being removed from the edg system, whether after a successful completion of the .action, forcibly by another action of the same priority/type or using the escape key, when in the graphics canvas.
The action is carried out within the event packet object, therefore, arguments that refer to !this relate to the members of the event packet object itself.
Where a packet has a form associated with the packet (using the .form member) then the close action should not attempt to hide the form, as the system will automatically remove the form.
This action member is NOT run if the event packet is removed using the <esc> key on the Design graphics canvas is used.
An action which works the same as the .continue member, however it is only carried out if the event has been removed from the using the <esc> key, from the Design graphic canvas.
Where data is to be passed to an event packet, that is used either on initialisation or whilst it is running, the data has to be stored in the objects .input member. This means the event packet can run autonomously without the need to access data from external variables or forms.
-- Define input data for packet
!packet[1]    = 'String'
!packet[2]    = 20
!packet[3]    = !!ce.position
!packet.insert(1, !!ce)
-- Initialisation Action (using first element of input)
!packet.initialisation = '!!form.eventInit(!this.input[1])
-- Action routine (using all input array and return pick data)
!packet.action = '!!form.eventAction(!this.input, !this.return)
-- Close action (using first element of input)
!packet.close = '!!form.eventClose(!this.input[1])
All the objects within the event picking mechanism have a .return members, this is used to pass the data between the objects within the system. All the objects are of an ARRAY type, as this allows any data type to be assigned to the elements.
When a pick sequence has completed, all the derived data ascertained from the picking, will be returned into the .return member of the pick event object. Therefore, all .action routines requiring the pick data MUST use the variable.
-- Action routine
_!packet.action = '!!form.eventAction(!this.return)
-- Action routine
_!packet.action = '!!form.eventAction(!this.return[1])

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