EDG - Event Driven Graphics, this allow the application writer supply their own method for interpreting the pick from the view gadget.
Event Handlers - these are core defined handler that are used define the interaction with the view gadget.
Geometry Calculator - set of core functions, objects or methods used to derive positional, angular, linear or directional data.
GUI - Graphical User Interface, the forms and menus you interact with.
Super Applications - these are applications/utilities, that are used for creating elements, (sections, panels, etc.) or moving items, etc.
Sub Applications - these are applications/utilities, used to derived data that may be required when using the positioning tool kit, measure, construction aids, etc.
edgCntrl - this is the global control object for the EDG system, the global variable for the system within AVEVA E3D™ is !!edgCntrl.
Packet - this is an object that defines a complete definition of an application/utility that is to be placed into the event system.
PickPacket - this is a definition of the pick sequence and types that are used by an application packet.
PickType - this is a definition of how an actual pick is interpreted, e.g. if a database element is picked, is it decomposed into a basic graphical entity, point, line, arc or plane or is it returned as a pointer to the database element.
Pick - this is the definition of the pick on the graphical canvas, it is a stylised version of the core event handlers.
Public Members & Methods - these are the members and the methods that the AppWare developer should use when defining objects within the system.