Software Customisation
Reference Manual
Summary of Objects, Members and Methods
: PML Callable Reclassification
PML Callable Reclassification
New PML method enables programmatic reclassification as in the following example. It is the command line equivalent of selecting a tag and then pressing the reclassification button.
using namespace 'Aveva.Core.Commands'
!tagIds = object Array()
!tagIds[0] = '=16394/39619'
!ht = object Array()
!ht[0] = ''
!ht[1] = !tagIds
!commandManager = object PMLNETCommandManager()
!commandManager.executeCommand('Aveva.Engineering.Tags.ReclassifyCommand', !ht)
The reclassify command uses the data in the second parameter; this is an array with:
Element [0] is the Class URI of the new class
Element [1] is an array of tag reference numbers to be reclassified to this class
In Engineering 15.2 there is a limitation that only the first element in the tags array will be processed. So multiple calls would need to loop through a list of tags. The array has been provided for a future enhancement to be able to pass a batch of tags through the process.
The class URI can be copied to the clipboard from the class picker. Hold down the Shift key then left click on the class (it must be a change of focus so not the currently selected class in the form).
The class URI is available as pseudo attribute CLSURI on ENGITE (i.e. on all tags), and on all schematic types (SCEQUI, SCINST, an so on) where a class has been selected in AVEVA Diagrams.
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