Convert STRING to a DBREF using the settings in the global format object.
Location of start of sub-string two within first string - zero returned if not found.
TRUE if strings are the same. STRING two may contain wildcard characters:
TRUE if strings are the same as above but multiple redefines the wildcard for any number of characters.
TRUE if strings are the same as above but multiple redefines the wildcard for any number of characters and single also redefines that for a single character.
Extract nth field from string where fields are delimited by space, tab or newline.
Convert STRING to a POSITION using the settings in the global !!format object.
Replace all occurrences of sub-string two with sub-string three starting at the nth occurrence (or -nth occurrence from the end).
Replace count occurrences of sub-string two with sub-string three starting at the nth occurrence (or -nth occurrence from the end).
Returns a sub-string from index to the end of the string
Reduce multiple occurrences of char to a single occurrence throughout the STRING (options = ‘M’).
The new construct if( !this.attrib.eqNoCase('Name') ) is more efficient than comparisons of the form if( !this.attrib.upcase() eq 'NAME' ) particularly when the check fails. It is also more reliable because it doesn't matter what is the case of the value checked against.