Software Customisation Reference Manual

Summary of Objects, Members and Methods : Object Type Details : SLIDER Gadget
The Val member represents the current value of the slider as a PML REAL (in fact always an integer).
The Range member allows the slider range and optionally the step value to be set or queried. The granularity of the slider movement is determined by the specified step increment, i.e. a move event is generated at each step increment within the slider’s range. The range limits must each be an integral multiple of the step size (else an error is flagged
The RESET action of a form (from reset, CANCEL or QUIT actions) will only reset the slider current value not other slider properties. So if you redefine the range while a form is displayed, and press the RESET button, the range will not revert to the previous settings. You will have to do this from reset button’s callback and/or the form’s CANCELCALL callback.
You can specify the range as start, end and optional step and value integer values.
The <vshap> graph allows the specification of the WIDTH and/or HEIGHT for sliders, in grid units. The width must be specified for a horizontal slider, and the height must be specified for a vertical slider. If the other dimension is not specified then a default size will be assumed.
The tag text is not displayed for a slider gadget.

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