Software Customisation Reference Manual

Summary of Objects, Members and Methods : Object Type Details : OPTION Gadget
Selected field as integer. Zero implies no selection. Setting val to zero will cause an error if ZeroSel is not specified.
Append an entry to the drop down list, where Dtext is the text to display in the option list.
Append and entry to the drop down list, where Dtext is the text to display in the option list, and Rtext is the replacement text for the new field. If Rtext isn’t specified, it will be set to Dtext by default.
Select specified item in a list: text must be ‘Rtext’ or ‘Dtext’, and value is the item to be selected.
Get RTEXT or DTEXT of current selection; text must be ‘Rtext’ or ‘Dtext’.
Links menu with the gadget as a popup.
Removes (popup) menu from the gadget.

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