Software Customisation
Reference Manual
Summary of Objects, Members and Methods
Object Type Details
: LINE Gadget
LINE Gadget
Members and Methods
The LINE gadget supports the standard default gadget members and methods only.
The Line gadget gives the ability to display horizontal or vertical lines to separate groups of gadgets on a form, for increased clarity of intent. The line's presentation reflects the colour of the current Windows scheme.
/ |
>--- LINE gname -+- tagtext ---------------|
+- <fgpos> ---------------|
+- <fganch> --------------*
+- VERTical ---.
| |
'- HORIZontal -'- <vshap> -->
Example: The form 'Nested Frames' above shows a vertical LINE and a horizontal LINE. The code snippet below shows the construction of the innermost frame f3.
frame .f3 'f3'
vdist 0.2
hdist 0.5
toggle .t1 'Toggle 1' at x 2
line .horiz 'H-Line' Horiz wid.f3 hei.t1
toggle .t2 'Toggle 2'
line .vert at xmin.f3 ymin.f3+0.5 Vert wid 2 hei.f3
The tag text is never displayed.
Line does not apply to toolbars.
The graph <vshap> allows the line's width and height to be set either specifically or in terms of other gadgets on the form.
Setting the height for a Horizontal separator or the width for a Vertical separator causes the line to be drawn across the middle of the implied area. This allows for equal spacing on each side of the separator line. Otherwise a default width or height is assumed.
The Anchor attributes allow the Lines to be dynamic and respond to interactive changes in form size.
The gadget is not interactive and has no associated value.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.