Software Customisation
Reference Manual
Summary of Objects, Members and Methods
Object Type Details
: IDList
The IDList object provides features for the accessing and manipulation of elements in an IDLIST database element.
Elements in the IDlist object must be significant elements, in the following sense. The database element reference supplied to the constructor is examined to see if it either:
Owns a valid design drawlist element; in which case the supplied element is added to the idlist object.
Is owned by a drawlist element, in which case the significant owner is added to the idlist.
Elements below the level of the design drawlist element cannot be manipulated via this object.
Set-up Methods
Creates an PML IDlist object from the given DBREF of an IDLIST. Searches up the ownership hierarchy until a significant element is found, and adds this to the Idlist.
Before adding an ADDE, the object will check whether there is an 'active' ADDE in the list - this is an ADDE for the identical element, without an intervening REME for the same object. If so, it will not add it again. Similarly for REMEs.
When removing ADDEs or REMEs, the system will start from the bottom of the list and work backwards removing the requested entry.
Access Methods
.add (DBREF)
No Result
Adds a ADDE to the IDLIST. If there is already an ADDE of either the same element or one of its ancestors (without an intervening REME) then nothing will be done. If there is an intervening identical REME, then the REME is removed.
No Result
Adds ADDEs for the entire selection set to the IDList at this point, in the same way as for individual DBREFs.
.remove (DBREF)
No Result
If there exists an ADDE for this element in the list, then it is removed. If there exists an ADDE for an ancestor for this element, then a REME is inserted.
.remove (SELECTION)
No Result
Removes all ADDEs defined in the selection set, using the same rules as in removing a single element.
.copy(IDLIST other)
Clears the idlist, and adds all the entries from idlist other. Returns TRUE if copy successful.
No Result
Remove all elements from idlist
Returns an array of strings of the form:
ADDE element
REME element
itemising all the elements in the idlist.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.