Software Customisation Reference Manual

Summary of Objects, Members and Methods : Object Type Details : FORM Object
For forms of type MAIN, the QUITCALL callback is executed, if present. This permits you to terminate the application, and so the associated PML callback should prompt you for confirmation.
For all other form types, the QUITCALL callback is executed, if present, and then the form and its children are hidden unless the PML callback returns an error. When the form nest is hidden the CANCELCALL callback for each form of the nest is executed (in reverse display order).
SetActive(FALSE) greys-out all gadgets on the form, but doesn’t set their Active status, so that SetActive(TRUE) restores the form to the precise state it was in before greying out, i.e. any inactive gadgets will still be inactive.
SetGadgetsActive(FALSE) greys out all gadgets on the form and sets their Active status to ‘inactive’, i.e. their previous active state is lost. Similarly SetGadgetsActive(TRUE) greys-in all gadgets and sets their Active status to ‘active’.
SetActive()and SetGadgetsActive()can be used in combination with each other and with the Active property of individual gadgets.
VarChars is a new layout mode, based on measuring precise string widths. It is implicit for LAYOUT FORM and cannot be changed. It is better suited to the use of variably spaced fonts, and removes the need for most uses of the TagWidth specifier. The benefits of using VarChars are:
FixChars is the old layout mode (prior to PDMS12.1), which is based on the use of notional character width to calculate the (approx.) sizes of textual gadgets and gadget tags. Because the calculated sizes are only approximate, you have to make frequent use of the gadget's Width specifier and TagWidth specifier and considerable trial and error to achieve a desired layout.
The default layout mode for setup form is FixChars, because this will be the least disruptive for existing users, but this can be overridden by the VarChars keyword, or by executing the FMSYS object method !!FMSYS.SetDefaultFormLayout('VarChars') that allows users to change the default layout mode for Setup form. This can be used to help test any existing appware which is using setup form !!formname . . ., in either mode to determine which forms need layout adjustment. you can return to the original default using !!FMSYS.SetDefaultFormLayout('FixChars').
Auto-placement uses the PATH, DISTANCE and ALIGNMENT commands, which have the following meanings:
PATH The direction in which a gadget is placed relative to the previous one.Values RIGHT, DOWN (occasionally LEFT, UP).Default is: PATH right.
VALIGN, HALIGN How a gadget aligns to the previous one. Values are:
HDIST, VDIST The grid distance between adjacent gadget boxes for horizontal and vertical paths. Default values: HDIST 0.5, VDIST 0.2.
For horizontal paths RIGHT and LEFT: HDIST and VALIGN apply.
For vertical paths DOWN and UP: VDIST and HALIGN apply.
The callback method MUST NOT carry out any modifications to the Gadgets belonging to the form or to the Form itself (e.g. don't show or hide the form). Attempts to edit the form or its gadgets may cause unwanted side effects or possible system errors.

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