Pipe Stress Interface - R2
User Guide
Import Hanger Attributes
: Import Hanger Point Data
Import Hanger Point Data
Transfers pipe support data, calculated by Rohr2, to 3D model element attributes.
If an r2hangprop file is not present in the communication directory, a message is displayed indicating that no files with hanger point data are available.
The .r2hangprop file contains all hanger point design data for a calculated pipe system. If the hanger point design data can be transferred without errors, the files are renamed from .r2hangprop to .r2hangpropold.
If write access is not available for at least one of the hanger points or if the hanger point is in a read-only database, a window is displayed containing a list of hanger points that cannot be updated. Detailed error information is written to a file with the extension r2hangerror. The error file is created in the %xyzR2STRESS% directory or %R2STRESS% directory, respectively.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.