Pipe Stress Interface - R2
User Guide
Thermal Displacements
Thermal Displacements
One result of the stress calculation in Rohr2 is the displacements based on thermal influences of the whole pipe system. The displacements can be displayed in AVEVA E3D™.
For each loading case, a separate 3D model containing equipment elements with nozzles is created. The created 3D models can be displayed together with the original pipe.
In order to read the displacement files, a design database with write access must be selected. In this database, a site (for example, /R2) must be created. The PURPOSE attribute of that site must contain the value DISP.
If there is such a site in a read/write database it is displayed in the window.
It must be taken into account that imported 3D models of loading cases cause hard clashes in AVEVA E3D™. It is recommended to import the 3D model in a database that is not always current, to temporarily check loading cases.
The loading case 3D models are based on parameterised NOZZles. The nozzles represent two adjacent calculation points and the direct line between these two points, modelled by a cylinder. The pipe can also be displayed with insulation. In order to display insulation, the Obstruction and Insulation transparency should be set to 50%. Refer to
for further information.
1974 to current year.
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