Query Reference Manual

Communicating Using Query : Connecting Query to a Data Server
EXTERnal OPEn synonym token_var
EXTERnal OPEn synonym token_var [AS connect_string]
where synonym is a text string which identifies the server daemon through which communication is to be channelled (and which therefore identifies the data server required); token_var is the name of a PML variable into which a token for the connection is to be written; and (if your data server requires login data) connect_string is a text string which confirms the users access rights (such as their username and password).
where synonym, token_var and connect_string are as above and host is a text string which identifies the node on the network on which the server daemon. For example, to connect to a data server on a machine called pc35, enter
where token is the token for the communication channel which was supplied by a successful EXTERNAL OPEN command (and stored in the token_var variable).

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