Reference Manual
: Conventions used in the Text
Conventions used in the Text
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to highlight certain features of the text:
Command words are shown as a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, using a different typeface from that used for normal text; for example, COMMandword. The uppercase part of the word (COMM in the preceding example) is the minimum permissible abbreviation. Where a command word is first introduced, or where its use is defined, it will usually be shown in bold type, thus
Command arguments are shown in lowercase italic type; for example,
Parts of the command enclosed between square brackets are optional; for example, ... [ignore this part of the command if not relevant]
Examples of interactive input and output sequences are shown in a different typeface, thus
Example of Input/Output Sequence Typeface
Character strings which begin with the slash character / are either names of elements in the databases or the names of files in the operating system directories. For example, /ELEMENT or /filename.
Character strings enclosed between angled brackets are the names of individual command syntax diagrams. For example, <diagram_name>.
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