Pipe Stress Interface User Guide

AVEVA E3D™ to CAESAR II : Create a CAESAR II Neutral File
To create a CAESAR II Neutral file for a selected Stress Group, from the Pipe Stress Interface window with the Export/Import tab highlighted, click Write Data to File.
Do a Save Work immediately after creating a CAESAR II Neutral file so that all data relating to the Stress Group is saved within AVEVA E3D™.
Once the Write Data to File has been clicked three folders called input, output and logs are used to store the data.
The input folder contains the newly created CAESAR II Neutral file (*.cii) which can be input into CAESAR II.
The output folder contains an XML file which contains pipe stress data exported from AVEVA E3D™ in a predefined schema.
The logs folder contains a HTML reports viewable via a web browser: _log.html which contains information about the conversion from the *.xml file to the CAESAR II Neutral file.

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