Pipe Stress Interface
Administrator Guide
: Restrictions
PSI aims to transfer most configurations of pipe branch and components into CAESAR II and read the stressing results back into an acceptable form in AVEVA E3D™. Whilst every effort has been made to make sure this happens as often as possible AVEVA cannot guarantee that every configuration will transfer seamlessly between both systems. For example, the return process relies on comparing the model in AVEVA E3D™ with the results from CAESAR II but it is possible to do too many changes for the comparison to work correctly. Currently PCOM, SHU and INST elements are treated as two ended components when they are transferred to CAESAR II and any multiple connections will need to be added manually.
Zero Length Components
Zero length components in Design will be transferred to CAESAR II with the appropriate nodes. In some cases, this may cause a stress run to generate an error with a zero length component. In these cases it may be necessary for the stress engineer to adjust the data accordingly, by deleting the node or giving it some length value.
Zero length components which are bends and below a user defined angle can be set to be ignored by selecting the check box on the PSI Defaults window. Refer to
Zero Length Bends
for further information.
Components Without Weights
If PSI is unable to find a component weight, it will output the weight as zero for CAESAR II input. This will generate an error on the relevant nodes in the node edit form and the error check form, but it will not prevent the pipe being sent to CAESAR II.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.