Reporting User Guide

Reference : Report Bands : Report Header and Footer Bands
The Report Header and Report Footer are the only types of report bands rendered once per report.
The Report Header is the first band of a report on the first page, not counting margins as they are 'out-of-page' zones. The Report Header precedes even the Page Header band. It is the best place for the report's name, company logo, date of creation, author's name and miscellaneous information. If a chart that visualises the report's data is to be included, then drop the Chart control onto this band.
The Report Footer finalises the informative part of the report. It is placed before the Page Footer and Bottom Margin bands on the report's last page. Use the Report Footer for report grand totals or conclusions.
In the Property Grid, the properties of these bands are divided into the following groups:
Displays the Formatting Rules Editor used to choose which rules should be applied to the band during report generation, and define the precedence of the applied rules. Refer to Conditionally Change a Control's Appearance for further information.
Use this property if the current report design requires that the band's section should be separated from previous sections or follow-ups. Specify the Before the Band or After the Band values to insert a page break before or after the current band. In many cases, this property may be used instead of the Page Break control.
This property is available for the Report Footer band only, and determines whether this band should be printed at the bottom of the last page, or immediately after the last report's details. The Report Footer has priority over the Group Footer's Print at Bottom property, so the Group Footer can never be placed after the Report Footer.
Determines a band's name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or by scripts

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