PML Customisation User Guide

Macros : PML Macros : Macros with Arguments
where n is an integer in the range 1 to 9. These arguments are then specified as part of the command to run the macro. They follow the macro name, with spaces separating the individual arguments.
For example, if a macro named beam.mac includes the command line
will run the macro and will set the lengths defined as $1, $2, $3 to 5000, 200 and 300 respectively.
Apostrophes in text arguments are treated as parts of the arguments, not as separators between them. For example, if a demonstration macro arg.mac includes the lines:
If an argument is omitted when a macro is called, the $n in the macro command line is ignored. Whether or not this leaves a valid command depends upon the syntax which applies.
$Dn = default_string
where n is the argument number (1-9) and default_string is any sequence of characters ending in a newline.
If a non‑trailing argument is to be omitted, the escape code $<$> must be used to replace the argument which is not required
If the $, argument separator is being used, the argument may be omitted from the list
For example, if the macro demo.mac expects three arguments, the following calls to run the macro all omit one of the arguments:

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