PML Customisation User Guide

PML Add-ins : Application Switching : Defining a PML Add-in
Each add-in is specified by an add-in definition file, with pathname %PMLUI%\<module>\ADDINS\<addin>, where <module> is the module name e.g. DES, and <addin> is the addin name e.g. MYADDIN. Each line contains a key and description, separated by a colon.
Add-in control object. User-defined object type used to configure and control the add-in, e.g. MYADDINCONTROLLER. A global variable of the same name is created automatically by the system at module startup e.g. !!myAddinController. Methods on this object can be executed at ModuleStartup and at the other application events.
e.g. EQUI:!!equiAppStartupCall().
e.g. PIPE:!!pipeAppSwitchCall()
where APPNAME is the name of the application to modify and callback is the callback to be assigned to it.
If an application with name APPNAME is not defined, the callback is not run.

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