The RTOGGLE gadget is very similar to the
TOGGLE gadget, but is allowed only in
FRAMEs, where they operate together to form a set of radio buttons, only one of which can be selected at any one time.
You can add RTOGGLE gadgets to a
FRAME with the usual layout and positioning commands. The
RTOGGLE gadgets are implicitly numbered 1, 2, 3,
… n as they are added.
The RTOGGLE gadget can have an assigned callback, which is executed whenever its selected status is changed. When the group selection is changed, by you clicking an unselected option button, the current button (if any) is unselected and the new button is selected. An open callback (PML function or form method) is necessary as the events
SELECT need to be reported.
The PML code below shows a modification to our example form, which makes use of open callbacks on the RTOGGLEs instead of a simple callback on the
FRAME radio group. The
Constructor and the
RgroupSelectionChanged methods are modified accordingly.
Events for the radio group FRAME and its radio-toggles happen in the following order, when an
RTOGGLE is selected: