PML Customisation
User Guide
Gadget Set
Button Gadgets
: Buttons of type LINKLABEL
Buttons of type LINKLABEL
The Linklabel, provides a purely textual button presentation, i.e. it has no enclosing box. It is often used to indicate a link to some application item, e.g. a hyperlink to a file, a link to an associated form. They do cause validation of any modified text fields of the form whenever they are pressed.
The tag text is shown in a different colour to all other gadget's tag text. The link label gadget highlights by underlining when the mouse cursor passes over it. Pressing it causes a SELECT event to be raised and runs any associated call back.
Linklabels have the following restrictions:
They don't support change of background colour.
They don't support 'pressed' and 'not pressed' value.
They can have popup menus, though this is not recommended.
They don't have Control Types e.g. OK, CANCEL etc.
The sub-type of any Button gadget can be queried using the it's Subtype method.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.