PML Customisation User Guide

Gadget Set : Examples : Complex Form Layout
Figure 21:1.
The file layout2.pmlfrm, shown below, defines the form shown in Figure 21:2.: The tabbed pages of a complex form. Within the form definition the TABSET frame is defined and directly contains a frame gadget for each tabbed page. Note its ANCHOR ALL setting which maintains the distance between each edge of the frame and the corresponding edge of the form, when the form is resized by you. This allows the frame to grow and shrink without overwriting gadgets outside of it.
The use of the DOCK FILL setting which allows each edge of the tabbed page frame to stick to the corresponding edge of the TABSET frame so that they grow and shrink in unison.
Alternatively, when you define a TABSET FRAME, you can specify its DOCK or ANCHOR attributes to determine its resize behaviour within the form.
For each tabbed-page frame within the TABSET, it is no longer necessary to specify any DOCK or ANCHOR attribute settings, and any that are specified will be ignored. Each tabbed-page frame will always fill the available space in its TABSET parent (it exhibits DOCK FILL behaviour).
The gadget ANCHOR attribute is used extensively to allow resizable gadgets to expand in specific directions and not others for. It is also used by non-resizable gadgets, e.g. BUTTONs, to allow them to move with edges of their containers and so avoid being overlaid by resizing gadgets.
Note also, the extensive use of form methods to provide the intelligence of the form as gadget callbacks. In particular the method listCallback(!list is GADGET, !event is STRING), which just reports details of select and unselect events on list fields, has the standard form of an open callback, and is used as such on the list gadgets LI1 and LI2, i.e. !this.Li1.callback = |!this.listCallback(|. Open callbacks are described in PML Open Callbacks.

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