PML Customisation
User Guide
Form Layout
Intelligent Resizing
: Basic use of the Frame's DOCK Attribute
Basic use of the Frame's DOCK Attribute
This section shows the basic use the frame gadget's DOCK attribute for simple vertical and horizontal frame stacks.
Figure 17:10.
Horizontal and vertical docked frames
A form has its origin (x=0, y=0) near the top left hand corner, and increases in +x and +y as new gadgets are added to it. It does not increase in -x or -y, so you must make sure that you never attempt to extend the form to the left or upwards, for example by attempting to use DOCK LEFT or DOCK TOP more than once within a specific container (frame or form).
Bearing the above warning in mind, the correct way to create simple frame stacks is shown below:
layout form !!dockedVert dialog docking nopadding
title '!!dockedVert'
frame .topFrame 'Top Frame' dock top
frame .middleFrame 'Middle Frame' dock bottom
frame .bottomFrame 'Bottom Frame' dock bottom
layout form !!dockedHoriz dialog docking nopadding
title '!!dockedHoriz'
frame .leftFrame 'Left Frame' dock left width 10
frame .midFrame 'Mid Frame' dock right width 10
frame .rightFrame 'Right Frame' dock right width 10
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