Figure 17:4.
Form definition using the VarChars layout mode
No actual co-ordinate positions are required to specify this form. It is mostly undesirable and unnecessary to specify a gadget's position as absolute grid co-ordinates, e.g. at x 12, y 5; AVEVA recommend defining the layout of each gadget relative to a predecessor. This allows simple editing of the layout, without having to calculate new positions. There are exceptions, for example, for the first gadget in a form or frame, where you may want to establish an initial x or y co-ordinate that is not at the default position.
frame .frame3 |frame3: path down, vdist 0| at xmin.frame2
rtoggle .rad1 |ClassicFM| at xcen.frame3 - 0.5 * size
button .cancel |CANCEL| at xmin form CANCEL
button .ok |OK| at xmax form-size OK