PML Customisation User Guide

Menus : Editing Bars and Menus : Changing the State of Menufields
You can de-activate a menufield on a menu bar and a field in a menu with the SetFieldProperty() so that it cannot be selected. Similarly, you can make them invisible so you cannot see them.
You can also use SetFieldProperty() to hide a menu field and to select or unselect toggle-type fields.
‘ACTIVE’ - greyed in or out
‘VISIBLE’ ‑ visible or invisible
‘SELECTED’ - selected or unselected (toggle type fields, only. Specifically, this value cannot be used with bars).
The value, TRUE or FALSE, for the property.
sets local variables !bar and !menu to be references to the bar gadget and Menu1 of form !!MyForm.
will grey-out the menufield on bar that has the field-name “Foo”. And
will activate the menufield on Menu1 that has the field-name “Bar”.
‘ACTIVE’ - greyed in or out
‘VISIBLE’ ‑ visible or invisible
‘SELECTED’ - selected or unselected (toggle type fields, only. Specifically, this value cannot be used with bars)
sets local variable !bar to be a reference to the bar gadget of form !!MyForm.
will get the greyed-out status of the menufield on bar that has the field-name “Foo”.

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