PML Customisation User Guide

Menus : Menu Types and Rules
Forms may have a bar menu gadget or main menu, which appears as a row of options across the top of the form. When you select one of the menu options, a pull-down menu is temporarily displayed. Fields on a menu may have pull-right arrows (>) that open a pull-down sub-menu when selected.
Each menu belongs either to the Main menu system or to the Popup menu system, but cannot belong to both.
A menu in the Main system can appear only once. i.e. it cannot be a sub-menu of several menus.
A menu in the Popup system may appear only once in a given popup tree, but may be used in any number of popup trees.
A menu cannot reference itself, either directly as a pullright of one of its own fields or be a pullright of another menu in its own menu tree.

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