PML Customisation User Guide

Forms : Form Members : Quit/Close Callback
All Forms have a QUITCALL member that you can pass a standard callback string. This is executed whenever you press the Quit/Close icon (X) on the title bar of forms and the main application window.
If an open callback is used then it is called with the FORM object as its first parameter and ‘QUIT’ as its action string.
For forms of type MAIN, the QUITCALL callback is executed, if present. This permits you to terminate the application, and so the associated PML callback should prompt you for confirmation.
If you confirm the quit, then the callback should close down the application, and not return. If you decide not to quit, then the callback should return an error to indicate the decision to F&M.
Use return errornoalert if you want to avoid displaying an error alert. If the form has no QUIT callback, then the QUIT event will be ignored.
F&M does not display an alert for the returned error, it is merely for communication. You do not need a QUIT callback if you just want to allow the form to be hidden. For DOCUMENT forms (MDI children) only, the callback must not display an alert as this will cause some gadgets to malfunction afterwards.

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