!object is a Forms and Menus object, for example, a form, gadget or menu.
!action is the meta-event that occurred on the object and represents the action to be carried out by the method.
The open bracket '(', no arguments and no closing bracket. The callback is to an open method or function.
Note in the constructor method open() you have initialised the list so that field n will display list field n. DTEXT is a shorthand for display-text, that is the text displayed in the list field.
Note the use of the printing command $p to print information to the system Request channel. $!form replaces the variable !form with its current value as a string - this only works for PML simple in-built scalars types REAL, STRING, BOOLEAN. $n in $!form$n.$!name is a separator needed to separate $!form from the following ‘.’ which would otherwise be thought of as part of the variable name.