Schematic 3D Integrator User Guide

Main Functions : Build a Missing Element
Integrator can build in the current SITE and ZONE if there is no rule to define the SITE or ZONE. In order to get Integrator to build in the current ZONE, use the Main Table > Build. Click in the Diagram Viewer to use its right click menu, the current element will be changed to the schematic object, and Integrator will no longer be able to build in the intended ZONE.
The Build functionality can be accessed from the Command Line, refer to Use Integrator from the Command Line for further information.
In the information panel of the Integrator Report, the missing element is identified at schematic and 3D element pipe, branch and component level.
The Build functionality is only available when the element is not linked or matched.
Select Build to create the missing element.
Integrator can build missing piping elements from the Integrator Report, refer to Compare for further information.
Integrator builds the individual cables for a Schematic Multi-Cable (SCMCAB). There is no 3D model equivalent of SCMCAB.

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