AVEVA Global User Guide
Monitoring Command Progress
Success and Failures from Scheduled Updates
: Failed File Copies
Failed File Copies
In the case of a failed copy, 2-3 failure messages may be generated to report detail. In the example below, a SYNCHRONISE command was used and took 4 attempts to succeed. (A failed SYNCHRONISE or UPDATE on an individual database will retry until it succeeds or times out.) For scheduled updates, these 4 attempts would be spread over several different update events.
In this example, the database still had readers, so the copy could not be completed. An additional failure reports that 18 pages have been copied from the remote location. The next retry validates the .admnew file, but still cannot commit it due to readers. A further retry validates the .admnew file again and attempts to commit it. In this case there are no readers, but the file is locked.
In this case, the SYNCHRONISE command eventually succeeded, since Overwriting was enabled.
The ‘Successful file copy’ success reports that nothing has been copied, since the remote copy stage was executed successfully on an earlier try, when the copy failed.
Detailed failures for file copies can only be reported at the destination. During a scheduled update, the success of a copy is verified by checking that the compaction number has changed. If the copy was executed at the location which executes the scheduled update, then additional failures may show more detail. (Note this is the partner location for a scheduled update, not the originator!)
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