To set the transaction database to be merged/purged automatically, select Automatic Merging and
Purging of the Transaction Database. If this is set to On (the checkbox is ticked), the rest of the options of the form become available.
Frequency of Automatic Merge/Purge accepts a text entry that controls the frequency at which the merge/purge will take place. This may be daily, hourly, weekly, monthly, or a combination. The value entered consists of five fields which are separated by spaces. The button immediately to the right of the text gadget allows the field values to be specified separately using several child forms.
Purge Successful Commands (from Transaction dB) older than [n] days, if selected, will result in all records of commands completed successfully that are older than the number of days [n] entered in the text box. If "0" is entered, then all successful commands will be purged.
Purge Failed Commands (from Transaction dB) older than [n] days, if selected, will result in all records of commands not completed successfully that are older than the number of days[n] entered in the text box. If "0" is entered, then all failed commands will be purged.
Click Apply to apply the selected settings to the automatic transaction dB merge/purge facility.
Click Defaults to set the form to the default settings of the automatic transaction dB merge/purge facility.
Click Current Settings to set the window to the current settings of the automatic transaction dB merge/purge facility. These will be the last applied settings, or the default settings if no change to the defaults have ever been applied.