AVEVA Global User Guide
Local Administration
: Database Access Control at Satellites
Database Access Control at Satellites
ACRs and SCOPEs are stored in the System database. In a Global project ROLEs are stored in the Global database. ACRs contain a reference (ROLEREF attribute) to the ROLE.
This can cause problems at satellites in a Global project if ROLEs are updated at the Hub by deleting and re-creating the ROLE with the same name but a different reference. This would require ACRs to be updated at each satellite to use the new ROLE element.
The following alternative options may be used to resolve this problem:
Modify the ROLE rather than delete/re-create it. (The member PEROPs can be deleted and created);
Create the new ROLE with the same REF as the old ROLE;
Before deleting ROLEs, use OUTPUT functionality at each satellite to create suitable update macros for the ACRs. These macros will reference the ROLEs by name and can be run at each satellite to update the ROLEREF attributes after the new ROLEs have been created.
1974 to current year.
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