AVEVA Global User Guide

Local Administration : Data Recovery : Recover Database Window
Select Data > Recover > Database on the main ADMIN menu bar to display the Recover Database to Location window.
Use the Recover Database to Location window to recover a database from one location to another.
From the Recover To drop down select one of the following options:
If Recover To is set to Primary Location then a Primary Location database will be overwritten with a specified current location database. The specific database can be selected from a list of databases.
If Recover To is set to Selected Location then the user must first choose a location from list of locations that will become available directly below the Recover To drop down. The Selected Location database will be overwritten with a specified current location database.The specific database can be selected from a list of databases.
If Recover To is set to All Locations then the specified database of each location will be overwritten with the database of the Primary Location.The specific database can be selected from a list of databases.
Using the Type of Database drop down the user can filter the list of databases to show either System Databases or User Databases.
After making a selection from the Database Type drop down the user will be able to highlight a specific database from a list. The highlighted database will be the source database to be recovered to the locations specified in the Recover To drop down.
The user can Sort By a specific column in the list such as Name or Type.
The Filter gadget can be used to filter the list to show only databases with a Name that includes the input value. An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard. Values entered into the Filter gadget are case sensitive.
Click Apply to recover the selected database or click Dismiss to close the window.

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