AVEVA Global User Guide

Hub Administration : Replication in a Global Project
The options under Project > Replicate on the main ADMIN menu allow the user to replicate a Global project in various ways:
To replicate the whole project, including all data, create the new project directory and set the environment variables pointing to it. Select Project > Replicate > Project Data, to display the Replicate Project window. Enter the code for the new project in the text box.
To replicate the project structure, a macro may be created that can be run into ADMIN at a later date.
Project > Replicate > Project Structure replicates the structure of a Global project.
Project > Replicate > Standalone replicates the project as a standard project, omitting references to locations and communications.
The File Browser window is displayed so that a macro filename can be specified. The default filename is $AVEVA_DESIGN_USER/RecreateProj.mac.
Project > Replicate > Satellite Structure, used at a Satellite in a Global project, replicates the project as represented in the local System database. That is, the local information about Users, MDBs and Communication Events will be stored, but not the elements which can only be created and deleted at the Hub.

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