AVEVA Global User Guide

Hub Administration : Changing the Primary Location : Recovering the Primary Location
The Recover Primary Location window is displayed when the user selects Data > Recover > Database > Primary Location on the main ADMIN menu bar.
The Transient Databases list gadget contains a list of project databases that have their PRVRF (previous reference) attribute set. This attribute is only set when a change of primary location is in progress. The attribute is reset to null when the change of primary location is complete. Several databases can be selected.
Recovery of the primary location is normally done automatically if a change operation applied to a primary location Db fails - check the progress of the command in the transaction database. An explicit recover operation applied to a primary location Db should only be used as a last resort. It is normally only required when daemons are down or for offline locations. It is also required if a create extract operation fails before it has issued ALLOCATE commands. (Refer to Administrator Command Reference Manual (CHANGE, RECOVER, CREATE EXTRACT and ALLOCATE commands)).

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