Once the a daemon has been set up as a service as described in Single Project Service or
Multiple Project Service, it is possible to start and stop the Global daemon service from the Windows Control Panel. It is also possible to set the daemon to automatically restart when the PC is rebooted.
Type Service in the search field on the PC and select the
Services application from the returned results to display the
Services window. The Global services you have just set up will be listed.
Select AVEVA Global Multi Project or
AVEVA Global Single Project right click and select
Start. (Once the service is running, right click and select
Stop to stop it.)
Automatic will start the service on boot-up.
Manual means the use will have to start the service by clicking
Start on the
Services window.
Allow Service to Interact with Desktop means that a window will be opened for each daemon: this is useful when setting up a project or tracking any communication problems.
To check whether the daemon is running by starting up the Task Manager and selecting the
Processes tab. Look for the process named
admind. In a multiple project service, there should be one
admind process for each project.