AVEVA Global User Guide

Concepts : Propagating and Non-propagating Files : Transfer of Other Data
Files such as ISODRAFT and external PLOT files are not propagated automatically by the Global daemon. However, there is a mechanism in the daemon to allow such files to be transferred to and from neighbouring locations.
For example, myfile has been produced at Satellite AAA and is needed at neighbouring location BBB. The user at AAA must make sure that myfile has been placed in directory %EXP_BBB%. During the next scheduled update with BBB, this file will be sent to BBB, and received in directory %IMPORT% at location BBB. A user at BBB can then use myfile. If myfile is to be sent on to other locations, it will need to be copied into the export directories at BBB for those locations.

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.