AVEVA Global User Guide
Overview of Global
Overview of Global
AVEVA Global provides a simple and cost-effective administration and management system for Global projects, where data is distributed across a number of
. To the engineer using the base product, it should be largely invisible that the project is distributed over many locations.
The first step is to configure a project as a Global project. There are a number of parts to this configuration:
Specifying the locations.
Selecting the database files needed at each location.
Specifying when automatic data transfers can take place between locations.
Once this configuration has taken place, a Global daemon process will be started at each location; it is the network communications between these daemons that make sure the databases in the project are automatically kept up to date.
Before changing the project network e.g. when creating, modifying, or deleting locations, the Hub administrator should make sure the daemon is running, otherwise there will be a substantial delay on SAVEWORK in contacting the daemon.
After a Global project is set up, the user can use Data Access Control (DAC) to control users’ access to elements. For information about DACs in a Global project, refer to
Data Access Control and Stamps in a Global Project
1974 to current year.
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