The Global Scheduler window allows the Project Administrator to set-up and manages schedule extract commands. It is possible to set repeat schedules that run at key points of the day. Schedules can be set-up to update the parent or child (make changes made in the Master or Extract viewable in the parent or child), or to transfer items to the parent or child (relocate the claim to the child or parent so that it can be modified at the remote location).
The Global Scheduler window is based on a table and allows the Project Administrator to create and modify scheduled extract commands that can be executed on a regular basis.
The Project Administrator can quickly and easily set up schedules. Click + to add a new schedule (will add a new row to grid) or click
- to delete existing schedules.
The Schedule Name is automatically populated, but can be changed. The
Schedule Names are descriptive only and can be duplicates (since it is used for display purposes only and each schedule has its own internal identifier). For a newly created schedule, the schedule name is set by default to
New Schedule. The selection of the
Location and the
To columns are important to setting up the schedule. It is expected that the Project Administrators will set up the schedule with an idea on what schedule is required, to where and when. Options available for the
Location and the
To column drop-downs are only populated with options that are available in the project. By default the scheduled Location is set to
Required for a new schedule. The
Location column drop-down is only populated with locations that share distributed single extract below a master will be available in the
Location List. The
To option only reflects the Parent or Child if there is a Master or child available remotely. By default the scheduled
To option is set to
Required for a new schedule.
The Transfer column determines if the schedule should update the remote Master or Child with changes made locally, equivalent of doing an EXTRACT FLUSH or REFRESH (option unchecked) or if it should relocate items so that they can be modified remotely (option checked). The later will change the claim to be located at the remote location.
The Recurrence column allows the Project Administrator to select what days the schedule should run on. Select the drop-down menu to display two columns (
Recurs On and
To set the schedule to run on a particular day set the Recur On check box on the same row as the particular day. Setting the schedule to run on a particular day will cause the schedule to run on that day every week at the specified start time.
The Start Time is entered by hand and defines the first time the schedule is run on the days as defined on the
Recurrence column. The start time cell is masked and only accepts a 24 hour time (format).
The Repeat column allows the user to define the time intervals between each execution of the schedules:
The time is the time interval until the next time the schedule should run, so selecting 30 mins will mean that the schedule will run every half an hour from the Start time (assuming that the day matched the recurrence). Selecting
Never makes the schedule a one off operation. In this case the schedule will run once, at the start time, on the days defined by the recurrence.
To define which Databases the schedule applies to, the Project Administrator can select from a list.
The Database Configuration window allows the Project Administrator to add or remove databases in to or out of the schedule as predefined by the
Select hyperlink. Databases not in the schedule appear in the left column, whereas databases in the schedule appear in the right. The buttons in the middle allow the Project Administrator to move databases between the Scheduled and non-scheduled boxes.
The Controlled Extract Workflow only supports extract families with a single Extract below a Master. When using the Database Configuration window, only extract hierarchies supporting this are displayed in the available database lists. However, it is possible to create a third extract below a Master or Extract which will invalidate the schedule. As the scheduler maintains an independent list of schedules, this results in an invalid extract hierarchy in the scheduled Extract list. If the user wants to create an extract hierarchy with more than one extract then any Master or Extract databases must be removed from the scheduler.
The Database Configuration window is only populated with extract hierarchies that are applicable to the Location and the
To options on the Global Scheduler window. So if
Location is set to Cambridge, and
To is set to PARENT the
Database Configuration window will only display Master databases that have extracts primary at the current location and masters primary at Cambridge.
If the Location is set to Cambridge, but
To is set to CHILD the
Database Configuration window will only display Extract databases that are primary Cambridge and Masters that are primary at the current location.
The Enable column allows the schedule to be enabled or disabled. Select the check box to allow certain schedules to be disabled if required by the Project Administrator.
It is possible for all the schedules to be configured before the Project Administrator clicks OK or
Apply, or clicked between schedule configurations. Click
OK or
Apply will send a request to the
Global Manager Service that will store the schedules in a SQL database for the scheduler to activate; this is a client - server request that requires the service to be up. The service will report an error if it is not possible to contact the service, or there is an internal error.
The Global Scheduler window validates input as data is entered and will not let the schedule be created if either the
Location or the
To option is not set.
It is not possible to navigate away from the row until both the Location and
To have been set; however it is possible to delete the row.