Running Global Projects
Merging Databases
: Merging Extract Databases
Merging Extract Databases
The REMOTE MERGE command cannot be used on extract databases if they own other extracts. Instead, ADMIN must be used to merge these. The extract to be merged and all its immediate children must be primary
at the same location
. This is because the child extracts contain references to sessions in the owning extract.
Procedure to merge an individual extract database:
Select a suitable time to execute the merge, and make sure that all users have left the project
Use CHANGE PRIMARY to bring all its immediate child extracts to the primary location of the extract being merged
MERGE the database
Use CHANGE PRIMARY to return the child extracts back to their original primary location.
Optionally, the databases could be copied (by ftp or similar) to all secondary locations manually after the MERGE (and before the second set of CHANGE PRIMARY commands). This avoids the need for the next Update to copy the entire file.
Normally merging would be carried out on the entire extract hierarchy at the project Hub. However if an extract database owns working extracts, it must be merged at its original primary location, since the working extract files only exist at that location.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.