Running Global Projects
Suggested Housekeeping Guidelines for Projects
: Session Management ‑ Merging
Session Management ‑ Merging
It is recognised good practice to reduce database file size on occasion and this can be done using the Merge functionality to compact the session data. The frequency of the merge is dependent upon the activity in the db and its rate of growth.
On a Global project it should be remembered that after a Merge on a Primary database the updates will transfer the whole db anew to the Secondary locations. Because of this the update will take longer than a simple session update and it is therefore recommended to be done at a weekend.
Merge has to be done at the Primary location unless a Leaf extract organisation has been used where the Remote Merge functionality can be used from the hub. Remote Merge can be done with the Daemon running, but for normal Merge operations it is recommended that the Daemon is stopped to prevent any updates occurring. The steps to be taken prior to a merge are covered more thoroughly in the Database File locks section of this document.
A Leaf extract is a database which does not own other database extracts.
1974 to current year.
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