Running Global Projects
Suggested Housekeeping Guidelines for Projects
: Risks of Aligning Databases Across Locations by File Copying
Risks of Aligning Databases Across Locations by File Copying
On occasion if there have been unexpected interrupts in the Daemon service the Secondary databases can become completely misaligned with the Primary databases. To repair this, there is a temptation to simply delete the Secondary databases and file copy the Primary database out to the secondary location. The risk in this is that, in spite of a very diligent approach, human error can occur and there is a risk of reverse propagation i.e. a Secondary database thinking it is Primary. In this scenario the Recover process should be followed. See
Change Primary ‑ Repair Process
Therefore if the Primary and Secondary databases do become broadly misaligned on the project it is advised that realignment is done by executing the updates manually ensuring each update process completes successfully and that the realignment has been successful before kicking off the next update.
1974 to current year.
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