If the user is at the Hub and creating an extract for a satellite, use the AT option in the CREATE command. The extract will be created with its primary location at the Satellite specified.
If the user is at an administering location, the user must also use the AT option to specify that the extract will be created at the administered location, otherwise the extract will be created at the administering location (that is, the true current location, queried using Q CURLOC). The parent extract must be allocated to the administered location.
When creating an Extract at a satellite, make sure the CREATE EXTRACT command is given only once and check that the command has completed by issuing a Q DB dbname command. The user can issue further CREATE EXTRACT commands provided that the user does not use the same db name or db number (if specified). The daemon will assign a db number (dbno) if none is specified.
An in-built recovery operation exists for CREATE EXTRACT and, therefore, the PREVOWNER command is not usually needed after a failure of the CREATE EXTRACT command. However, the automatic recovery operation does not cover the CREATE command Allocate operation and PREVOWNER may be needed in the unlikely event of this failing.