Running Global Projects
Updates and Synchronisation
: Propagation of Linked Documents
Propagation of Linked Documents
The user may specify that certain external files are linked to the Design using a Link Description element (LNDESC). If the URL is a file URL of the format 'file:///myfile' and the Link Propagation attribute LNKPRP is set to SEND, then Linked files can be propagated.
The file URL must reference a file location which exists at both the primary and secondary locations of a database. It is thus useful to specify file-paths in terms of environment variables, e.g. 'file:///%AAAINFO%\myfile'.
Global does not create folders, these must already exist at the secondary location.
Linked document propagation is disabled by default for the project. To enable Link propagation, the GLINKP attribute of the element GLOCWL /*GL must be set to TRUE:
Once enabled for the project, Link propagation is enabled for all Design databases, whether or not they actually contain Linked documents. Additional operations are invoked to propagate Linked documents. It may therefore be useful to disable Link propagation for those Design databases which will never contain links. There is a check box on the Create Database window for this:
Linked documents will only be transferred when a database update has transferred data. By default only missing documents will be copied and by default documents will not be replaced if they already exist.
Propagated Link documents are not deleted at secondary locations even if they are at the primary location.
This command checks whether any Linked documents need transferring for a specified Design database. It is possible to overwrite existing Linked documents at the secondary location using the keyword FORCE:
When a database is ALLOCATEd or RECOVERed, then any existing Linked documents will be replaced.
1974 to current year.
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