DatabaseService: The sole purpose of this class is to open a project.
DbAttribute: The class has two purposes:
DB: This class provides information on the opened DBs.
DbElement: Instances of DbElement are used to identify an element. This is the main class for reading and writing to the database. The methods cover
DbElementType: The class has two purposes:
DbEvents: This class contains the mechanisms for subscribing to database events. It covers savework, getwork, undo, redo, flush, refresh, drop events plus capturing general database changes.
DbExpression: Class to hold a database expression. These are the same as PML1 expressions. Methods to evaluate expressions are on the DbElement class.
DbPseudoAttribute: This Class allows pseudo attribute code to be plugged in for UDAs.
DbRule: Class to hold a database rule
DbUserChanges: This is passed through by the 'database change' event. It contains a list of database changes made since the last 'database change' event was raised. Changes may be queried down to the attribute level.
MDB: Methods to do operations on an MDB, for example: savework, getwork.
Table: Various classes to access the internal Dabacon tables, for example: the name table.
Project: The main method is to open the MDB.