AVEVA Clash Manager™ 14.3 User Guide

Entry Information : Notes on Element Rule Syntax
Obstruction, Check and Exclude lists on the AVEVA Clash Manager - Clash Set Data window
<attribute> ::= AVEVA E3D™ Element Attribute or UDA
<value> ::= [<quote>] string [<quote>] | numeric | <inches> | <wildcard>
<wildcard> ::= regular expression
<wildcard> ::= regular expression
For Regular Expression syntax, refer to Notes on Wildcards.
Strings must be quoted if they would otherwise be confused with a keyword for example a <GTYPE> or <OP> etc
The <discardwildcard>’s are applied after all other expressions, they have the effect of discarding or removing items from the list.
and :PDMSAREA equals 15A which are under a SITE whose name begins "/STRU"
removes from the resulting list, any name containing the text 'PIPE'
Name of pipe not like 'PIPE' and !PIPE are very different, the former ADDs to the resulting List, the latter only removes items from the List.
Any GTYPE used in an expression, unless it is one of the default Group Level element types, should be added to the GTYPE list on the GType/Tracking window (refer to Gtype/Tracking for further information). Examples that would need to be added would include BBLOCK and BBLEVEL.
When using UDETs, do not add the actual type to the GType/Tracking window. Instead add the base type and use the base type in the expression. The actual type may be used as a sub-expression if required, for example: name of equi like '15A' and acttype like :pump.
The List may only contain consistent element types. For example a SITE may not be added to the List if it already contains ZONES. Note however that items below the level defined for Grouping Clashes will be elevated to that Group Level. For example if clashes in a pipe are configured to be grouped at the PIPE level, any expression which would return a BRANch or a component will if fact return a (single) PIPE. The Evaluate option may be used on any of the Obstruction/Exclude or Check lists to display what would be used when the Clash Set is run.
Default units are mm, inches may be used but the inch symbol, a double quote (") MUST be specified. An alphanumeric string ending with a double quote must itself be quoted if it is to be evaluated against a string. For example: :mystringatt = |4"| of pipe.

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