Supports User Guide

Supports Tools : Health Check
The Support Health Check Utility window allows you to select the elements to check and run a health check.
You are prompted to Pick Support to be checked or <ESC> to finish :
Press ESC to finish adding supports to the support list.
The Support List tab allows you to view and modify the supports included in the health check.
Allows you to export the support list to an Excel file. Click to display the Save to Excel window. You can navigate to a location and name the exported Excel file.
The Error Messages tab allows you to view the health check error list. A detailed message displays for the currently selected support in the error list.
Allows you to export the error list to an Excel file. Click to display the Save to Excel window. You can navigate to a location and name the exported Excel file.
The Warning Messages tab allows you to view the health check warning list. A detailed message displays for the currently selected support in the warning list.
Allows you to export the warning list to an Excel file. Click to display the Save to Excel window. You can navigate to a location and name the exported Excel file.

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