You are prompted to Identify element to add to the Supports ADP drawlist or <ESC> to finish :
The Support field is populated with the name of the identified support.
Select the option button to display the Add List Contents.
Select the option button to display the Remove List Contents.
Click to add an element to the Add List Contents/Remove List Contents. You must select an element using a cursor pick in the 3D view.
You are prompted to Identify element to add to the Supports ADP drawlist or <ESC> to finish :
You can continue to add elements to the Add List Contents/Remove List Contents.
Click to add the CE to the Add List Contents/Remove List Contents.
Click to delete the currently selected element from the Add List Contents/Remove List Contents.
Click to delete all elements from the Add List Contents/Remove List Contents.
Select the check box to add/remove a significant element owning the selected element to the Add List Contents/Remove List Contents.